
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


Today we have added a statistical snapshot for sellers. You can now see how many items you've solved, how much you've earned, how many items you've currently got listed, and how much you could potentially earn from all the items you've got listed with us.
Head over to to check it out!
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In order to support effortless resale, you need effortless integration with your store. Last week we released v2.0 of our React Widget for headless stores or stores that use React sparingly. We also released the v1.0 of our Shopify Customer UI extension for stores that support new customer accounts, and Shopify Theme UI extension for stores using legacy customer accounts.
React Widget 2.0
The new React Widget has an updated design, and is now opinionated about how it looks — but still has some styling flexibility baked in so that it aligns with your site design and brand aesthetic. We've also simplified the implementation, removing all of the old render props and only showing
Resell with Authentified
Resold with Authentified
— depending on whether or not the item has been sold or not.
Shopify Customer UI extension
If you're lucky enough to be using new customer accounts, you can use this extension to support effortless resale for your customers. The button can be placed on the order index page.
or the order detail page
Shopify Theme UI extension
This version is perfect for stores that use a Liquid theme and are still using legacy customer accounts.
We have just released a new update that allows brands to add extra product metadata to their customer's Authentified listings in just a few clicks!
The Authentified Shopify app now has a new field on the
screen called
Metafield definition map
where you can map your shop's metafields to our standardised metafield definitions.
All you have to do is select the most appropriate ones and click save!
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Our standard metafield definitions cover points of interest such as:
  • Sizing information
  • Fabric information
  • Styling notes
  • Fit notes
  • Sizing information
  • Sustainability information
  • Weight & Dimensions
If you have a metafield that doesn't neatly fit into one of these categories, let us know by creating a Feature Request!
Once your metafield definitions are mapped to ours, this is how a seller's listing might look:
Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 5
We have released an update to our Shopify admin extension to enable brands to resell samples / seconds stock via Authentified. The ability to consign via the order page remains as is.
Simply navigate to the product variant you wish to resell, and then select
Consign with Authentified
via the
More Actions
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Then all you have to do is click
Create Token
followed by
Create Listing
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We have received so much great feedback from our customers so far on all aspects of our product, particularly about how long it takes to receive your payout once you've sold an item.
You spoke, we listened! As of today, payouts are now sent
1-2 business days
after you post your item to the buyer, which is a reduction of nearly
7 business days!
We believe it's important for brands to have a say in which products can be resold. For example, low cost accessories or digital products such as gift cards or subscriptions should probably not resold.
From today, brands can now exclude products from resale by tag. Simply navigate to the Authentified app in your Shopify admin, and click on "Settings". Add tags belonging to products that should not be resold via Authentified.
Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 9
Some tags you may use could include
, or
Once this is done, any product that has any of the tags in this list will be excluded from resale.
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Today we've made an improvement to the photo upload experience. Previously there was a delay of around 2-5 seconds between a photo being uploaded successfully, and it's thumbnail appearing. We've updated this so the transition is instant and seamless.
Compare the pair
Today we have launched support for consignment of offline/in-store orders!
We have been mindful to add this without introducing any breaking changes to our APIs, and the only breaking change to our React Widget being the removal of 3 deprecated properties:
  • renderAccepted
  • renderConsigned
  • renderWithdrawn
We have added a
parameter to the AuthentifiedButton component which enables developers to distinguish between an offline and an online order. This results in 3 ways to consign an item:
Shopify by lineItemId
This method is best for brands using the Admin GraphQL API to retrieve a customer's orders. This is our preferred method.
import { AuthentifiedButton } from "@authentified/react-widget"
const ConsignmentButton = ({ lineItemId, productId, orderId, shopId }) => {
return (
Shopify by variantId
This is best for brands using the Shopify storefront API to display a customer's orders. The storefront API does not have a
available, so we need to use the
import { AuthentifiedButton } from "@authentified/react-widget"
const ConsignmentButton = ({ variantId, productId, orderId, shopId }) => {
return (
Offline by variantId
This is best for brands who display a customer's offline orders alongside online orders, for example via DotApparel integration. NOTE: You must have data mapped to Shopify products and variants for this to work.
import { AuthentifiedButton } from "@authentified/react-widget"
const OfflineConsignmentButton = ({ variantId, productId, orderId, shopId }) => {
return (
For more information, read the Authentified docs or visit the @authentified/react-widget NPM package
Sellers can now add their BSB and Account Number to their profile. We use these details to pay out commissions on sold items. In order to process payouts — for security reasons — we are also required by our bank to capture the seller's address as well.
The next time you sell an item with us, you will be asked one time to enter these details before submitting the listing. However, if you have already supplied us with your BSB & Account Number, we have added these details to your profile for you.
Demo Video
A note on security
BSB and Account Numbers are considered safe to be shared, however we take the storage and retrieval of this, and any other PII, data very seriously. To minimise the risk of data leaks, we take the following measures:
  • Data is encrypted at rest and in transit
  • Granular access controls ensuring data can only be accessed by Authentified administrators and internal-facing APIs
  • Data is obfuscated (i.e. encrypted) when read by non-internal APIs
  • PII is segregated from non-sensitive data
  • MFA enabled on systems that store or retrieve this information